Postively Parenting

So much has happened. We have basically decided to have a baby. It's a facet of life and we're not willing to miss out on it. And things are beginning to fall into place. When Scott's relatives came back to L.A. at the end of the summer, they said that they are considering moving up north permanently in 2009 instead of 2010 as we originally thought! This makes one of our goals of moving into the house and having it remodeled before baby that much sooner!

I really do want to have a baby, and I am more interested than ever in the process of raising a child, but I’m still not at 100%. I still haven’t traveled. Really when it comes down to it, the lack of travel is the #1 reason why I do not feel ready to have a baby. Travel is the one regret I have in my life and the one hole I have in what I have accomplished. We weren't planning to have kids so we kept putting it off. And now I’m getting to the age where if I’m going to have a baby I should do so, but I need all of the money I can put away between now and then to work on our house. Now that we know we are almost definite for move in next summer, we have very little time to save up the money we need, and we have a lot of work that needs to go into the house. I have no idea how we will be able to travel and prepare for the house, and stay on track with having a baby.
