Scott Land Yard

In our marriage, we have a deal: I take care of the inside of the house, and Scott takes care of the outside. While this may seem unfair with all of the painting, decorating and renovating that still needs to be done inside, remember, we have 8000 sq. ft. of yard to contend with and I simply cannot wrap my head around all of that weeding, mowing, mulching, composting, pruning, watering and planting that has to go down. But Scott loves that crap. He'd rather be out there with a shovel than inside with a paintbrush any day. So we made a deal that if I will take the lead on the indoor renovations, he will take the lead on the outdoor. So look for more posts from Scott about what's happening out in the yard as we get off our butts, come out of our holiday hibernation, and get to work on making this little dingy house a great green home.
