Let me explain...

I seriously feel like a broken record these past few days. I have had to struggle with explaining to 7 different friends why that are not invited over just yet. I feel horrible about it. How do you say,

"I'm not being a stuck up bitch who refuses to let people see anything that's less than perfect because I think I'm all that but I am just trying to take a couple of months to get things to a level where they don't make me want to cry, vomit, and then cry again and the last thing I need is another person walking through here either getting the flesh eating virus from some disgusting thing the sellers left behind, lockjaw from stepping on a nail because of all of the construction that's going on in the yard (that even my 70 year old father in law is pitching in on day after day after day because there's so much to do), or bitten by a rabid raccoon who managed to sneak past the sophisticated chicken wire defense system and I'm happy to have everyone and they momma over if you could just give me a little breathing room to get the worst of the worst out of the way and stop acting like I'm not a good friend because I don't want to share the horror with you and realize that this has nothing to do with you but everything to do with safety, security and keeping positive in the face of so much crap and that as soon as the house is no longer up for condemnation I will throw the mother or all housewarmings and you all can come and oooh and aaah or not as much as you want!!!!!!!"

Hmmm... maybe that will work? Yes. I'll take a deep breath and say all of that in one go. If I have any friends left after that, they can come over when we get our shit together.

Breathe..... To restore a sense of tranquility, here is a picture of my kick ass ORIGINAL porch pillar that has been covered for years and I just exposed. Talk about cottage charm! Can't wait to restore those. And that's my lovely fern garden in the background in microclimate zone # 2. Yes. My yard is so fabulous, I have microclimate zones. Ignore the horror in the background. It's already gone...
